MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO A Young woman divorces new husband for erectyle dysfunction

An 18-year-old woman has divorced her husband over impotence The man’s secret problem was exposed on their wedding night 
Court ordered the family of the husband to give the woman’s dowry back A woman, aged 18, had to divorce her new husband after they were not able to have sex on their wedding night because of his erectile dysfunction. 

Two weeks after the discovery the teen’s family insisted on immediate divorce to avoid their daughter being branded infertile. Despite being teased by some locals in her native Katna village in Murshidabad, West Bengal state, the woman said:“On our wedding night, I realised that my husband has erectile dysfunction. 

In our village, marriages have broken up earlier. But no girl has ever cited impotence as a reason. But had I not spoken up, I would have had to suffer all my life.” Moreover, soon afterwards the relatives demanded to return her 110.000 (around N328.000) dowry back and requested a local non-governmental organization called Street Survivors India to help them deal with the delicate situation. 
Eventually, the woman’s case was taken to a family court, where she was granted a divorce. Meanwhile, the groom’s family was ordered to pay back the entire dowry in cash.
MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO A Young woman divorces new husband for erectyle dysfunction MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO A Young woman divorces new husband for erectyle dysfunction Reviewed by Unknown on 11:10:00 Rating: 5
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